FMCG expertise to support business growth at all stages.
Below are some of the critical commercial questions we can help you answer.

Capability Training & Virtual General Manager


    Growth Strategy ​

    What is the best way to grow our business and how do we do it?​

    Commercial Modelling​

    What revenue and margin by market/channel/customer do we need to become profitable? What cash/investment is required to get there and when?​

    Value Chains (Product P&Ls)​

    What margins do retailers, distributors, sales agents need by channel by market? ​


    Sales Strategy​

    What’s the best way to sell to our consumer by channel and market? Direct or Distributors? Sales Agents? Who & How?​

    Price Strategy & Modelling​

    What pricing will give the best chance of ranging, and sustainable growth? ​

    Presentations & Pitches​

    Retailers | Distributors | Investors​

    What information to include and how to present for max. impact? ​

    A winning presentation to get your results.


    Brand Strategy​

    Is there a gap in market X? How to position our brand to own the space? ​

    Product & Range Strategy​

    What product(s), features & benefits will have the greatest chance of success in channel X & customer Y? ​

    Marketing Plan​

    How do we tell consumers about our brand & products? What do we say?

Alice Shopland | CEO & Founder, Angel Food

The strategy and plan Anna has helped us create will play an important part in the success of the next growth phase for Angel Food.”